Siim Plangi, one of the young and fast Estonians in rally scene who just turned 22 got a dream come true birthday present. He gets a chance to drive Peugeot 208 T16 R5 car in auto24 Rally Estonia, round of FIA ERC on 17-19th of July. The car comes from Peugeot Sport and will be run by Sainteloc. This project has a very positive influence on Estonian Autosport and it was born in cooperation between Peugeot Sport and Peugeot Baltic.

Viime vuonna Britannian rallisarjassa jatkuvasti kärkituloksia tehtaillut Jukka Korhonen oli nyt toistamiseen epäonninen, kun viikonloppuna Belgiassa ajettu EM-sarjan osakilpailu, Ypres Rally, päättyi toisena päivänä keskeytykseen teknisen vian vuoksi.

The relentless pace of rallycross continues for Marklund Motorsport supported by Volkswagen stars Toomas 'Topi' Heikkinen and Anton Marklund. Having already competed in three rounds of the FIA World Rallycross Championship as well as the X Games in the USA, the drivers now head to Kouvola in Finland for round four.
Cuckoomobile-team manager Stephen Vankemmel is looking at the final podium of the 50th Geko Ypres Rally with mixed feelings. He has a satisfied smile on his face as far as the young Finn Max Vatanen is concerned. Vatanen, in the Cuckoomobile Ford Fiesta R2, improved his over-all result of last year in his second asphalt rally ever. Then he was 38th, now Max is finishing 36th, despite the bad luck on the second day. On the other hand, Stephen ' the Boss ' Vankemmel would have loved to see his son Grégoire on that same stage. Only, for the 19-year-old debutant in Ypres the rally turned out unfortunately with an exit. But this is also part of becoming a good rally-driver, isn't it?