1. Competition description
Formula Offroad is a form of racing where four wheel drive vehicles compete in precision driving through steep hills and extreme terrain. All drivers must have a current driving license and a motor sports license. The vehicle must be licensed to current regulations.
Starting numbers are given out by the race organizer and should be with 20 cm tall numbers.
2. Classes
Vehicles are divided into two classes MODIFIED and UNLIMITED.
One or two drivers may compete with the same vehicle in the same race.
If there are two drivers, they may compete in separate classes if the vehicle is approved for both classes.
One driver may only compete in one class with the same vehicle.
3. Race organizer committee
The committee must consist of at least three persons
The members of the committee are not allowed to compete in the race.
The committee is responsible to decide any additional rules for the competition, which must be supplied to the drivers minimum one week before the race.
4. Officials
The jury must consist of three licensed judges including the jury leader supplied by the country’s motor sports organization. The head race official and the technical scrutinizers must be licensed and are not allowed to compete in the race.
In addition there must be a minimum of officials: race secretary, safety official, starter, timing official, head pit official and points judges. These officials do not need to be licensed, but must know their respective roles well.
5. Documents
• Organizing approval from the Motor Sports organization with the necessary insurances.
• Approval from the owner of the race area.
• Approval from the Police (or other authority)
The secretary shall keep these documents and give them to the jury leader.
6. Tracks
The number of tracks must be minimum six. Each track should be between 30 and 700 meters. Minimum width of the track is 4 meters.
The tracks must be clearly marked with gate markers – white on the left side for the Unlimited class and yellow for the Modified class. Right side markers are red or black for both classes. The gate markers must be placed such that they do not pose any risk for the drivers, officials or the audience. If the tracks are close together, the active gates must be marked in addition.
Each track should be divided into 4 points zones: 100, 200, 300, 350.
The judges may give any points in the first three zones down to 10 points. The last zone is not divided up. (I.E. you get 300 OR 350 points – not 320 for example)
A photo or drawing of the tracks with markings should be given all drivers at the drivers meeting.
7. Safety regulations
An ambulance with a medical crew must be present at all times.
Officials with minimum 6kg powder fire extinguishers must be present at the start and finish gates. A CO2 extinguisher should also be present at the starting gate.
Two manned rescue vehicles with winch and/or lifting equipment must be present at the race. Hydraulic cutting equipment, crowbar and a knife for cutting the safety belts must be in a manned mobile unit by the track.
Necessary restrictions must be put up to protect the audience from harm.
8. Pit
The must be two fire extinguishers – minimum 6kg powder – easily available.
Maximum speed limit in the pit is 5 km/hr.
Outside the pit there should be a test area available. The test area must be at least 25 meters long and driving is only allowed in one direction. The area must be available to the drivers throughout the competition.
9. Technical Inspection
All vehicles must be approved by technical inspection before any testing or racing.
Driver / mechanic must be present. A brake test must be passed.
Technical scrutinizer decides the class of the vehicle.
10. Drivers meeting
A drivers meeting must be held minimum 30 minutes before the start of the race.
Divers not attending the drivers meeting may be banned from the competition.
11. The Race
No passengers are allowed in the competing vehicles.
11.1 Start
The starting sequence is drawn by the organizer. If two drivers compete with the same vehicle, they should be placed such that half of the starting field separates them.
For each track, the starting drivers are moved to the back for the next track. The number of drivers moved for each track should be equal to the total number of drivers divided by the number of tracks.
The driver must be at the starting gate within one minute after the starter signals. If the driver does not appear within this time, the diver is moved to the back of the starting grid and is penalized 50% of the points achieved in that track.
The track closes for the driver if he does not start after one minute of the starter giving the signal to drive.
Any driver dropping out of the race must inform the secretary immediately.
11.2 Qualifying
If there are more than 12 drivers in one class, the organizer may run qualifying tracks.
11.3 Flags
There should be a total of three different flags used: red, green and starting flag.
Red flag is used when the track is closed and for signalling the driver of danger or disqualifying of the track.
Green flag is used to signal that the track is ready and should be lowered as soon as the driver enters the track.
Starting flag (national flag) is used to start the vehicle. This flag may be substituted by a light signal.
12. Judging
For a correctly driven track a driver is awarded 350 points. A point zone is considered complete when the centre of the rear wheels has passed the points marking. All gates must be passed in the right direction and sequence. If nothing else is informed at the drivers meeting, the drivers should drive the shortest line between two gates and within 3 times the width of the gate.
Penalities are given for the following:
• Stops in the track and continues 10 points
• Touches a gate marker with one wheel 20 points
• Touches a gate marker with two wheels 40 points
• Touches a gate marker with three wheels 60 points
• Drives with only one wheel within/on the gate marking 100 points
• Backs up within the track (penalized only when attempting to continue)
40 points
• Destroys the track uneccessary 50 points
The judges stop giving points when the driver:
• Starts before the sign is given
• Rolls over
• Passes a gate incorrect
• Drives outside 3 x the width of the gates
• Gets stuck or stops for more than one minute
• Takes helmet or safety belts off
• Signals the officials that he gives up
Points deduction for the finishing gate is 50% or regular deduction.
If a gate is not passed to award points, there should be no points deduction.
Minimum points for any track is 0.
Time track
The time track should be passable for all drivers. The time is taken from the point where the vehicle passes the starting line to the time it passes the finishing line. (Flying start)
Electronic timing equipment is preferred. If manual timing is used, there must be three stopwatches and the meantime between the three will be used.
The fastest driver is awarded 300 points. The other drivers is deducted 1 point for every 1/10th of a second slower than this time.
Maximum time for the track is three minutes. Minimum points awarded for completed track is 150.
The track is divided into four zones. Any driver not completing the full course is awarded 25 points for each zone entered. If the maximum time is exceeded, the timing stops and the driver is awarded points according to these zones.
All gates must be passed in the right order and direction. Touching the markers is penalized by 10 points. Minimum one wheel must touch or be within the gate.
Backing up and turning around is allowed without penalty.
The race’s additional rules may include restrictions in addition to these rules.
The winner of the race is the driver that has the highest number of points at the end of the race.
Results should be posted available to all drivers after each track throughout the competition.
13. Decisions when equal point count occurs
If any of the three top results have the same point count, the result is awarded according to which driver has the highest point count in the most tracks. If this is still not decides the result, these drivers must drive one track over again.
14. Protest
The time limit for protesting is 30 minutes after the result is posted.
Protesting against wrong classification of a vehicle must be minimum 30 minutes before starting the first track.
15. Drivers personal security equipment
• Driving suit approved by FIA or SFI
• Fire proof drivers hood
• Fire proof gloves
• Fire proof shoes
• Full face helmet approved by FIA or SFI (date markings not applicable)
• Splinter safe goggles or visir
• Full circle neck brace. Thickness of brace must correspond to the distance between helmet and shoulders to give adequate support and minimal movement of the head.