The calendar of the Latvian Rally Championship 2014 envisages eight rounds. The first three rounds, i. e. Rally Liepāja from January 31 till February 2 (2 rounds) and Rally Sarma at the end of the February, are envisaged in winter with tires with studs. It has been possible to ensure that Rally Talsi as usual will be held in the second half of May, and also in 2014 the event will open the summer part of the Latvian rally season.

”I would like to express my gratitude to the Talsi Region Council for their obliging attitude and support given to rally for several years already. Currently we have already summarized information about rally championships in nearer and further states, therefore inclusion of Rally Talsi in the LRC calendar gives confirmation and guarantee needed for commencement negotiations about participation of the foreign sportsmen in the event. I am satisfied that Rally Talsi is appreciated also abroad, and in 2014 the Rally will host three international championships, which gives to the RA EVENTS team additional energy to ensure that the rounds of such championships could be held along the roads of the Talsi Region also in future,” the Organizer of the Rally of Champions Raimonds Strokšs.

”Everybody wants to enjoy speed in each rally event! We expect high results and outstanding records! We hope that also for sportsman and organizers Rally Talsi will give the expected and even more — splendid landscapes of the Talsi Region, sceneries and certainly pleasure to meet each other. The Rally traditionally opens the summer season and gives unforgettable moments for all fans. Summer in Talsi starts with the Rally — the signs of the dark time of the year vanish and light arrives as fast as the rally cars. Let’s expect sprint and enjoy this brisk atmosphere and awakening of nature together,” invites the Chairman of the Talsi Region Council Aivars Lācaruss.

The agreement between the Latvian Automobile Federation (LAF) and the Lithuanian Automobile Federation (LASF) envisages one exchange round. This means that the LRC calendar includes one round in Lithuania, however the LARC calendar includes one round in Latvia. In this way one LARC round in 2013 was hosted by Rally Sarma, however in 2010 and 2011 LARC round was organized in the framework of Rallijs Latgale. In 2014 this task will be assumed by Rally Talsi that just as in the Latvian Rally Championship also for Lithuanians will be the first summer round.

Rally Talsi in 2014 will host also the championship rounds of the Northern Europe Zone (NEZ) established by the International Automobile Federation (FIA). NEZ includes nine countries: Denmark, Estonia, Island, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Finland and Sweden, and its aim is to organize regional level international championship bridging the gap between the national championship and the FIA European Rally Championship.

The calendar of the Latvian Rally Championship 2014:
1st round Rally Liepāja Liepāja/ Kuldīga 31.01.-02.02.
2nd round Rally Liepāja Liepāja/ Kuldīga 31.01.-02.02.
3rd round Rally Sarma Gulbene 22.02.-23.02.
4th round Rally Talsi Talsi 17.05.-18.05.
5th round Viru Ralli Viru 13.06.-14.06.
6th round Autoplius 300 Lakes Rally Zarasai 09.08.-10.08.
7th round Rallijs Kurzeme Liepāja 29.08.-30.08.
8th round Rallijs Latvija Jūrmala/Cēsis 18.10.-19.10.
